Edition Comparison Chart

VenueMagic Features List  Express Classic DMX+AV SC+
Multi-track timeline-based show design checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Windows Vista/7/8.1/10  32/64bit compatibility checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Fixture library (over 2000 from various manufacturers) checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Midi triggering of timelines checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Touchscreen capable checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Cue buttons for quick timeline playback checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Audio editing/playback tracks 1 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Stereo Output Channels 1 1 Unlimited Unlimited
Built-in chasers sequences checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Pre-build lamp effect macros checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Programmable Sliders 16-20 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Envelope editor (for volume, lamp levels, etc) checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Unlimited timelines checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Beat tapper (for chaser synching) checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Playlists (for music and timelines) checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
DMX channels 512 512 1024* 1024*
Audio effects library (200 sounds to get you started)  checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png  checkmark.png
Support for additional DMX interfaces checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Custom chaser designer checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Real-time channel routing checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Custom fixture profile editor checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Auto-beat detection checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Joystick input checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Timeline markers checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Lamp calibration checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Channel groups/zoning checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
MIDI output control checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Video playback tracks None None 1 1
Virtual DJ plugin checkmark.png checkmark.png checkmark.png
Sync to external MIDI Clock/LTC checkmark.png checkmark.png
Chaser beat synching to MIDI Clock checkmark.png checkmark.png
Output to multiple audio cards checkmark.png checkmark.png
Auto-fixture substitution checkmark.png checkmark.png
Artnet support checkmark.png checkmark.png
Serial RS232 input/output checkmark.png checkmark.png
Playback scheduling calendar checkmark.png checkmark.png
DMX input checkmark.png checkmark.png
Real-time input recording (MIDI sliders, DMX, Joystick…) checkmark.png checkmark.png
Teleprompter and Lyrics checkmark.png checkmark.png
MIDI fixture control checkmark.png
Sync to SMPTE timecode over serial port checkmark.png
Conditional events (logic control) checkmark.png
Telnet Server checkmark.png
Networked multi-VenueMagic operation checkmark.png
Support for Weigl ProCommander standalone operation checkmark.png
Programmable rest positions (for servo/animatronics control) checkmark.png
Acceleration limiting (for servo/animatronics control) checkmark.png
Timeline playback ease-in (used with external synching) checkmark.png
Variable tables (event counting, etc…) checkmark.png
DMX bit-level control checkmark.png
Price  $55 $399 $679 $1099

*  1024 DMX channels available in VenueMagic DMX2+AV and SC2+ only.  Check listing for prices.
